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Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Complimentary internet ads service. About 200,000 new classifieds with high quality pictures

Sony HDR FX1 HDV 1080i Digital Camcorder

$1,300.00 US

Sony HDR FX1 HDV 1080i Digital Camcorder

buy and sell > cameras, camcorders
Canon EOS 5D==============$800US DOLLAR Canon EOS 400D ========== $400US DOLLAR Canon EOS 40D ========== $800US DOLLAR NIkon D70=======================$400US DOLLAR Canon EOS 1D Mark III 10.1 Megapixel==============$2550US DOLLAR Canon GL2 Digital Camcorder w 3CCD =============$1100US DOLLAR Sony HDR FX1 HDV 1080i Digital Camcorder ======= $1900US DOLLAR Sony HVR Z1U 3CCD HDV Professional Widescreen Mini ==== $2500US DOLLAR Sony DCR VX2100 MiniDV Handycam Camcorder ======1800US DOLLAR Nikon D40x Digital Camera ==================== $450US DOLLAR Nikon D200 Digital Camera=======$600US DOLLAR Nikon COOLPIX P5000 Digital Camera ============= $200US DOLLAR EIKI LC-XT3 XGA THEATER PROJECTOR 10,000 lumens....$2500us Canon EOS-20D -------- $900usd Canon EOS-1D Mark II N, 8.2 Megapixel, SLR, Digital Camera--$700
Baca selengkapnya==> Complimentary internet ads service. About 200,000 new classifieds with high quality pictures

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Webcam software detects movement, triggers siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email

I'm using webcam software. I
can broadcast Ip video to watch my home
from everywhere.

Webcam software detects movement, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

With my new camera software, I can run a broadcasting show of my site visible from the Internet. This opens up a group of possibilities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use this webcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to see what's going on in my room at any time from a remote watching station.

As long as I have the webcam running and a remote computer with Online access, I can watch the home. With the application and the camera, I can change the options to capture video, detect motion (if I don't want to keep the camera running at all times), or use a mixture of a live feed and recorded video to implement a security system that takes full benefit of nevest know-how.

With a capture card, I can easily transmit appropriate video and screenshots to use on any workstation.

With sensitive files on my pc and precious belongings in my apartment, it only makes sense to have a protection setup that I can supervise whenever I feel that my privacy is being compromised. If I owned a small business or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine living without it.

Web camera software identifies movement, sounds
alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Webcam software identifies movement, sounds siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email
Webcams are usefull for more than just making online communications more realistic. They can additionally be an extremely effective tool for use in home or organization security.

is now accessible that can detect activity and use it as a trigger for different events.

The way that it works is to analyze the image sent by a webcam that is either connected through USB or using a video capture device for motion. While it picks up that motion, it can afterward take any number of events,
including triggering an siren.

A more popular software, though, is to either send live frames of what is happening in the picture that is covered by the webcam or to even broadcast through live broadcasting accurately what is happening with both audio and image. If installed secretly, this software could even be used for secret surveillance.

Given the large amount of systems that either have a web camera attached or can support one, this is an perfect way to inexpensively and effortlessly defend the spot across that workstation from invasion or stealing.

Broadcasting live video and sound from capture device
through camera computer application

Streaming online video and sound from capture device through webcamera server software
Security software

If you find yourself with a need to record security video with a camera over an area, webcam server application may be the right choice for you. Using this application, it is possible to set up a camera to detect movement and begin recording once it does.

Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the webcam may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video needs to be available off-site, can be webcast using the server's broadcasting
feature to a web site.

Depending on the quality of the webcam and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition tv signal. Using a install like this, it is possible to provide a measure of protection for an area while the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system.

This do-it-yourself approach can save money while not compromising on security.
Baca selengkapnya==> Webcam software detects movement, triggers siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Audio Muratal oleh Su'ud Asy-Syuraim

Kelahiran Beliau
Beliau adalah ‘Su’ud bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad Alu Syuraim’ dari Qohthan, sebuah kabilah yang berada di kota Syaqraa’ di daerah Najed, Saudi Arabia. Beliau dilahirkan di kota Riyadh pada tahun 1386 H.

Guru-Guru (Masyayikh) Beliau
Syeikh Su’ud Asy-Syuraim juga belajar khusus (talaqqi) kepada para masyayikh terkemuka di halaqah-halaqah mereka, diantaranya:
  • Syaikh al-Allamah Abdul ‘Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz rahimahullah, berbagai matan kitab ketika halaqah ba’da subuh di masjid Jami’ Al-Kabir Riyadh.
  • Syaikh al-Allamah Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin Jibriin Hafizhahullah, dengan kitab Manarus Sabiil tentang fiqh, Al-I’tisham karya Imam Asy-Syathibi, Lum’atul I’tiqad, karya Ibnu Quddamah, kitab at-Tauhid karya Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, dan Fiqh al-Ahwaal asy-Syakhshiyyah di Ma’had ‘Ali lilQadhaa’ ketika beliau mengambil magester.
  • Beliau juga membaca kitab ‘Hasyiah ar-Raudh al-Murbi’ tentang fiqh madzhab Hambali, dan Tafsir Ibnu Katsir’ dihadapan Syaikh al-Faqiih Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz bin ‘Aqiil (agar beliau menyimaknya)
  • Demikian pula beliau juga talaqqi kepada Syaikh Abdurrahman al-Barrak, dengan kita Ath-Thahawiyah, dan At-Tadmuriyah.
  • Kepada Syaikh Abdul Aziz ar-Rajihi, tentang Syarh kitab Ath-Thahawiyah
  • Kepada Syaikh Fahd al-Humain, juga tentang Syarh kitab Ath-Thahawiyah
  • Syaikh Abdullah al-Ghudyan (anggota hai’ah kibaril ulama) tentang ‘al-Qawaid al-Fiqhiyah, kitab al-Furuuq, ketika masih belajar di Ma’had ‘Ali lilQadaa’
  • Dan Syaikh Shalih bin Fauzan al-Fauzan (anggota hai’ah kibaril ulama), tentang Fiqh albuyu’ (jual beli) ketika masih belajar di Ma’had ‘Ali lilQadaa’.
Sekilas Tentang BeliauPada tahun 1412 H, datanglah intruksi Khadimul Haramain yang menunjuk beliau sebagai imam, khatib di Masjidil Haram.

Pada tahun 1413 H, beliau ditunjuk oleh Raja untuk menjabat sebagai Qodhi di al-Mahkamah al-Kubra di Makkah al-Mukarramah.

Pada tahun 1416 H, beliau meluangkan waktunya untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya di Universitas Ummul Qura untuk jenjang Dukturah (Doktor), dan beliau mendapatkan nilai ‘Mumtaz’ (istimewa/summacumlaude) dengan disertasi yang berjudul “Al-Masalik fi al-Manasik Makhzduzdun fi al-Fiqh al-Muqarin lil Kirmani”… dan musyrif pada disertasinya tersebut adalah Syaikh Abdul Aziz Alu asy-Syaikh Mufti ‘Aam Kerajaan Saudi Arabia dan ketua Hai’ah Kibaril Ulama.

Pada tahun 1414 H, dikeluarkan kesepakatan dengan menugaskan beliau untuk mengajar di Masjidil Haram.

Silakan download muratalnya!

(NB: sebelum download saya menyarankan untuk:
- mulai download dari surat-surat pendek
- download software Format Factory 2.60 untuk mengubah ekstensi fail audio dari "amr" menjadi "mp3" karena kualitas suara dengan ekstensi "mp3" lebih bagus)


Semoga bermanfaat!
Baca selengkapnya==> Audio Muratal oleh Su'ud Asy-Syuraim

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Watch television shows live on your Computer

Watch TV - Live IP TVWatch 4000 Online television stations from your computer. No need of of a television tuner or decoder. Pure picture - no monthly payment needed. Watch television channels online from home. All you need is our IP television software, your computer, and online connection.

Today, many companies are also using live Ip TV and webcams or webcasts to conduct company with employees in different parts of country and even workers in different parts of the world. Whether you use it for own reasons or company reason, online television had become an indispensable resource. Most people can't purchase the fancy television packages often associated with companies who offer big list of shows.

This is where our Internet television software comes in. With this easy and accessible commodity to your life, you can cut your fees in half and only think about online fees. Some shops such as malls and bookstores even
offer online access for small fee or for free depending on where you are.

Whether you logged in from work to watch CNN, BBC or another news streaming station's live stream of a campaign event or you watched it on some other device such as your cellular phone or iPOD, you were able to stay on top of current news with the help of Online Internet television and online webcasts.
Baca selengkapnya==> Watch television shows live on your Computer

Gagasan di Belakang Kamus Besar Dunia

Penyusunan kamus merupakan proses yang panjang. Setiap tahap dalam proses itu merupakan kumulasi dari penelitian dan analisis bahasa serta kegunaan praktis kamus dari hasil proses sebelumnya. Setiap penerbitan kamus diarahkan kepada kecermatan pencatatan bahasa dan kesempurnaan penyusunan yang setinggi-tingginya; walaupun setiap terbitan tidak dapat dilepaskan dari “ideologi bahasa”, editor masing-masing menyesuaikan terbitannya dengan selera publik. Berikut ini diberikan beberapa contoh.
Samuel Johnson, Bapak Leksikografi Inggris, penyusun Dictionary of the English Language (1755), menyatakan bahwa fungsi kamus ialah memelihara kemurnian bahasa. Pendapat yang sama juga dikemukakan oleh Noah Webster, Bapak Leksikografi Amerika, penyusun An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828). Kamus itu menurunkan beberapa generasi kamus yang memakai nama Webster di Amerika.
Ideologi bahasa yang normatif itu bertentangan dengan pendirian yang melandasi kamus-kamus modern, seperti A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (1934), yang lebih terkenal sebagai Kamus Oxford, dan Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (1961) yang berusaha mencatat dan menafsirkan pemakaian bahasa secara cermat, tanpa mengemukakan mana yang betul dan mana yang salah
Tradisi perkamusan di Negara sudah maju memang dimulai dengan kamus baku dan kamus ekabahasa (monolingual); dari kamus sumber itulah diterbitkan kamus-kamus yang lebih terbatas, seperti Shorter Oxford Dictionary, Van Dale Handwoordenboek (dari Van Dale Grootwoordenboek der Nederlandse Taal), dan Petit Larousse (berdasarkan Grand Larousse). Berdasarkan kamus-kamus baku itu, disusunlah kamus-kamus dwibahasa (bilingual).

Disadur dari Buku Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia: Pusat Bahasa Edisi Keempat.
Baca selengkapnya==> Gagasan di Belakang Kamus Besar Dunia