Kamis, 09 Februari 2012
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Senin, 30 Januari 2012
Salat Lail
Jam 10.00 malam
Mataku terpejam
Kudengar dipan mulai merayu
"Rebahkanlah tubuhmu di pangkuanku!"
Selimut pun mengadu
"Kembangkanlah diriku!"
Hati dan pikiranku berpadu
"Janganlah engkau mau!"
Aku pun ragu
Tapi, mataku tetap terpejam
di keheningan malam
Hati dan pikiranku padam
jam 10.00 malam
Jam 03.00 pagi
Kutersentak mengusik sepi
Spontan kuteringat Ilahi
Lalu, kubuat dipan rapi
Lalu, kuberlari ke kamar mandi
untuk bersuci
Kesunyian mulai merasuki
Dingin pun tak kalah lagi
Namun, kucoba berdiri dua kaki
di sajadah yang kumiliki
Lisanku melontarkan kalimat-kalimat suci
yang menambah khusyuknya hati
Seraya menyehatkan jasmani dan rohani
Dengan salam ke kanan ke kiri
ibadah ini kuakhiri
jam 04.00 pagi
Semoga Allah merberkahi
By: Fahim 'A4'
Degradasi Ekosistem di Indonesia
Apa itu ekosistem? Ekosistem menunjukkan adanya hubungan saling berinteraksi dan ketergantungan antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya. Berarti, tidak ada makhluk hidup yang mampu hidup sendiri, melainkan perlu berinteraksi dengan organisme lain serta lingkungannya. Pola-pola interaksi tersebut melibatkan faktor biotik dan abiotik. Faktor biotik meliputi individu, populasi, dan komunitas makhluk hidup. Sedangkan faktor abiotik meliputi suhu, sinar matahari, air ,tanah, angin, ketinggian, dan garis lintang. Pola-pola tersebut berjalan melalui rantai makanan, aliran energi, dan daur biogeokimia.
Di Indonesia, telah terjadi degradasi berbagai ekosistem. Hal ini pada umumnya disebabkan oleh ulah masyarakat yang tak bertanggung jawab. Mereka hanya mementingkan keuntungan tanpa melihat dampak negatif dari ulah mereka. Degradasi berbagai ekosistem di Indonesia, mengindikasikan bahwa pola-pola interaksi dalam ekosistem tersebut sedang terancam punah. Apa saja ekosistem di Indonesia yang sedang mengalami degradasi? Ekosistem tersebut, yaitu ekosistem hutan, terumbu karang, pantai, dan lain sebagainya.
Ekosistem hutan di Indonesia kian lama kian mengalami degradasi kuantitas. Selama sepuluh tahun terakhir, degradasi tersebut mencapai dua juta hektar per tahunnya. Degradasi ekosistem hutan yang demikian mengakibatkan kerugian sekitar Rp83 miliar per hari atau Rp30,3 triliun per tahun. Hal ini tentu disebabkan oleh maraknya penebangan liar (Ilegal logging) di daerah-daerah terpencil. Kalau ditelusuri lebih jauh, banyak aktivitas masyarakat yang dapat menyebabkan degradasi ekosistem hutan. Salah satunya dengan membakar sebagian wilayah hutan yang akan dijadikan lahan perkebunan. Aktivitas ini menghasilkan asap yang dapat mengurangi kenyamanan, keindahan serta mengganggu kesehatan. Dengan melihat dampaknya, mudah-mudahan mereka sadar.
Selain itu, ekosistem karang juga mengalami degradasi. Hal ini mengakibatkan laju aberasi pantai, mengurangi abilitas menahan gelombang laut, dan merusak habitat biota terkait. Peristiwa lain, seperti tsunami di Aceh 26 Desember 2004, peningkatan aktivitas Gunung Merapi di Jawa Tengah pada pertengahan 2006, semburan lumpur panas di Porong, Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur) Juni 2006, serta bencana alam lainnya menambah panjang catatan degrasdasi ekosistem.
Masyarakat yang bersifat modern, komsumtif serta boros cenderung akan mempercepat laju berkurangnya sumber daya alam dan menambah banyaknya sampah di alam. Akumulasi limbah dan sampah menurunkan mutu lingkungan sehingga mengurangi abilitas alam dalam menopang kehidupan organisme. Ini artinya, degradasi ekosistem masih sedang berlangsung. Kapan degradasi ekosistem di Indonesia berhenti? Tentu jawabannya ada pada mereka yang peduli kepada alam.
Oleh karena itu, perbaikan serta pelestarian berbagai ekosistem di Indonesia harus dilaksanakan. Keberhasilan program ini tentu saja melibatkan berbagai elemen selain pemerintah. Dan program ini merupakan tanggung jawab elemen tersebut. Terlebih lagi menjadi tanggung jawab masyarakat yang menjadi pelaku degradasi ekosistem.
Selasa, 24 Januari 2012
Web camera software detects motion, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email
Webcam software detects motion, sounds
alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email
Web cameras are good for more than just making ip communications more practical. They can also be an enormously practical tool for use in home or business protection. Software is now accessible that can sense movement and use it as a trigger for various events.
The way that it works is to study the picture sent by a camera that is either connected by USB or using a video capture card for movement. While it picks up that movement, it can therefore take any number of procedures, including triggering an siren.
An other popular software, though, is to either send live pictures of what is happening in the picture that is covered by the camera or to even broadcast via online broadcasting exactly what is happening with both sound and image. If installed secretly, this software could even be used for covert surveillance.
Given the large quantity of devices that either have a webcamera attached or can support one, this is an excellent way to inexpensively and easily guard the area across that property from infringement or robbery.
Modern professional security application works with
any webcam, Internet cameras, and major capture cards.
Surveillance software has become so difficult that the regular consumer who has been busy minding his business instead of pouring over electronics and internet technology articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to install or renew his security system.
Fortunately, there is modern professional security application that simplifies much of the decision making. You don't necessarily have to get rid of a working analog closed circuit TV system in order to update to abroadcasting
video that can be watched from any internet connected station or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the
pictures for broadcast. Until recently, there had been no real attempts to standardize the new Internet
cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a little differently. And when you connect web cameras into the
join, finding one application to control them all was heavy.
Professional security software
is now accessible that will work for any web camera
or Internet webcam and for most capture cards as well. You can supervise whatever your motion
sensors are picking up at your home or firm while you can be half a world away.
The software itself may not be easy, but it can get life simpler for you.
Broadcasting live video and sound from capture device
using webcamera server software
Surveillance software. If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a camera over an area, webcam computer application may be the right choice for you. Using this software, it is possible to set up acamera to detect motion and begin recording when it does.
Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the webcam may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video needs to be available off-site, can be webcast using the server's broadcasting
function to a site.
Depending on the quality of the camera and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition television signal.Using a setup like this, it is possible to provide a measure of protection for an area when the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system. This do-it-yourself approach can save money while not compromising on protection.
Selasa, 03 Januari 2012
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Minggu, 01 Januari 2012
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